Roadsafe Schools AXA


Roadsafe Schools AXA

May 7, 2018

Helping Companies Engage with the Public

Many large corporations that work in related industries are keen to feature road safety campaigns and messages in publicity materials. This is often the case in the insurance industry and various bits of research appear in the press on an almost weekly basis. Rather than carry out a simple survey of public attitudes, AXA approaches us to assist with two projects aimed at specific road safety groups.

RoadSafe Schools

AXA approached RSA wanting to carry out an analysis of risk around schools in the UK with a view to providing information to parents and teachers via an interactive portal. It is important to understand that a majority of all urban public road networks in Britain fall within 500 metres of at least one school, and the analysis made no attempt to relate collisions directly to the presence of schools. It was however a popular discussion piece, helped by the availability of an interactive map, provided by RSA and hosted on the AXA website.

The RSA team helped with the initial launch of the project, appearing on local and national media outlets to help explain the methodology behind the anaysis and provide advice to the public on reducing road risk.

Van Crashes in Great Britain

As one of the UK’s major commercial vehicle insurers, AXA commissioned this study from RSA, because they felt there was a need for definitive data on the unique risks that van drivers face on our roads. Our unique ability to deliver insight into drivers as well as networks allowed us to deliver a new type of analysis that looked at risk by home region, and compared risk factors against drivers of other vehicles.

Crash frequencies were much higher in London, the North East, and the West Midlands compared to other types of vehicles. Elevated risk factors for van drivers included reversing, carrying out u-turns, and changing lane. Van drivers were less likely to be impaired by drink or drugs, and they had fewer control errors.

RSA Director, Richard Owen, helped with the press launch appearing in live radio interviews with the AXA team.

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