Latest Webinar series will focus on Safe System
Over the summer we have been running a national survey inviting all local highways authorities, partnerships, police forces, fire and rescue services and transport authorities to participate. The Safe System Capacity survey has been designed to take a snapshot of current capacity for safe system implementation at a local level.
The report of the findings will be published in a few short weeks, and we can now announce that there will be a 3-part webinar series dedicated to the safe system and discussing the findings from the survey.
The first webinar will be joined by guest speakers to offer a perspective of national policy on the findings from the report. This will be followed by the second webinar which will be a panel discussion between experts in the road safety field offering their thoughts on the implications of the findings. Finally, the third webinar will be joined by guests to discuss where do we go from here, and how we can look to build capacity in the sector.
Registration is now open for all three webinars and you can register via the links below.
Webinar 1: Safe System Capacity Survey Results
Tuesday 18th October 2PM-3PM
Webinar 2: Safe System Panel Discussion
Tuesday 25th October 2PM-3PM
Webinar 3: Safe System, Building capacity
Tuesday 1st November 2PM-3PM
There’s still time to participate in the survey, which closes on Friday 16th September 2022. Your input will have shape the report and give input to the content in this webinar series. We plan to make this an annual event so that we can report on progress being made year on year.