IRF launches dashboards by Agilysis


IRF launches dashboards by Agilysis

October 7, 2022

IRF Launches dashboards by Agilysis

Working in the UK we often forget how lucky we are with the data at our disposal to help understand and improve road safety. A quick glance at the RSGB Analysts Network Data Wiki shows that there is an abundance of data on collisions, casualties, road networks and vehicles. This isn’t the case in many countries however, although one organisation has been collating global data for over 50 years. The International Road Federation, based in Geneva, started work on this in 1964 and their annual publication, World Road Statistics, has become an invaluable reference tool for stakeholders who want to analyse, understand and report on worldwide, regional and national trends and developments in the road sector and beyond.

Until recently much of the data collection and reporting has been collected using traditional methods but in 2018 we started working with IRF through our sister company Road Safety Analysis. Our first aim was to create a system to enable the rapid collection of data from countries all over the world, streamline the publication process, and provide access to simple analytical tools which compare trends over time and progress between countries. Since then we have applied our expertise in developing online maps and dashboards to pull together a suite of resources that provide easy access to the most recent World Road Statistics data.

At the IRF Annual Conference hosted in Marrakech (6th October 2022) the 2022 edition of the IRF World Road Statistics (WRS) was formally launched, which – thanks to the support of the TotalEnergies Foundation and the Michelin Corporate Foundation – is now publicly available through the IRF WRS Data Warehouse platform.

The project has been led by Bruce Walton who has an enormous amount of experience in database management and road safety statistics and has worked closely with the IRF team over four years to ease the transition to a modern data collection and analysis system. He commented that, “This is an enormous step forward in the availability of essential datasets globally and will prove highly valuable to policymakers and those delivering safe and sustainable road networks. We are proud to have been involved in the project which will improve and grow further in the years ahead.”

A short presentation demonstrating many of the outputs is embedded below:


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