Joining the Dots 2023 fast approaching


Joining the Dots 2023 fast approaching

January 26, 2023

Joining the Dots 2023 fast approaching

Now entering it's 8th year, we are gearing up to host the next RSGB Analysts conference (Joining the Dots) in a little over a months time, on Wednesday 1st March.

Bringing together the best live interaction in the fantastic surroundings of the Studio in Birmingham, with accessible arrangements for virtual participants across the country, our new format promises to showcase leadership and innovation in road safety, data and research. Each year this event reaches up to 500 professionals providing support and guidance for highway authorities, police, transport consultancies and the wider road safety community.

This year the conference will be tackling the important issue of where our data gaps might result in underserved populations. With international contributors and leaders from the UK road safety sector, it promises to be another stellar line up.

The Agenda

The day is split into four different themed sessions beginning with the keynote speaker Marianne Weinreich, Market Manager for Smart Mobility at Ramboll, who advises cities about how to make mobility people-centred and sustainable.

In the opening session on ‘Data Gaps and Inequality’ we will be joined by Rachel Aldred from the University of Westminster, Zoe Cotton from TfL, Philip McAleese from SeeSense and Nicola Wass from SoMo.

This year’s panel discussion in session 2 will centre around ‘Data for the Safe System’ and will be hosted by Professor Nick Reed founder of Reed Mobility, where we will be joined by, Will Cubbin from Safer Essex Roads Partnership, Tanya Fosdick from Agilysis, Neale Kinnear from Humn, and John Cartledge from Gaist. 

The Third session will discuss ‘Stats19’ and the other data sources available to enhance analysis, where we will be joined by Katherine Williamson from the DfT, Mike Dark from the DfT, Nathan Harpham from TRL and Matthew Tranter from the DfT.

The day will draw to a close with a session on ‘Understanding the road network’. Professor Nick Reed from Reed Mobility, Dr Craig Smith from Agilysis, and Bruce Walton from Agilysis will explore new ways of assessing and understanding networks.


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