Calendar of user groups announced


Calendar of user groups announced

May 31, 2023

RSGB opens applications for new data champions

We have recently announced a full calendar of user groups for each of the tools available from Agilysis.

The user group meetings are exclusively for existing users of the software and provides a platform to discuss the data behind the tool, new feature updates, and a opportunity to exchange feedback.

User input will help shape future updates by identifying any changes or new features that we could introduce to improve the tool.

We'd love to hear how our users are using each of the tools as part of their work and these groups provide a platform for sharing of best practice or hints and tips from others working in the same field

The meetings follow a typical agenda so that each of the items are discussed in an open forum including;

  • Data Updates
  • New and Upcoming Developments
  • Feature Request
  • Sharing best practice
  • Links with other systems

If you’re an existing user of one of our tools, we will email you directly with an invitation to join, and the dates of these groups can be found in our calendar here.


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