Area Profiles
A focus on people and places
An Area Profile provides a local area with an excellent resource that details casualty trends, highlights at-risk groups, and compares performance against national benchmarks. These detailed reports are based on the national STATS 19 collision data, blended with a wide array of public and proprietary data to provide context and insight into those injured on the roads and the communities that they come from.
We have produced hundreds of Area Profiles for local authority and road safety partnership clients; each year adding to and improving the analysis present. Clients find the simple presentation and robust analysis using official data incredibly helpful when looking to implement a road safety strategy.
We employ a modular approach to the report creation with key road user groups reviewed and rates per head of population compared externally, as well as internally in large authority areas. Clients frequently commission bespoke sections covering specific road types, contributory factors, and demographic profiles.
Our data is regularly updated and comes form reliable sources, and we are also able to incorportate custom data supplied by clients subject to negotiation.
The output of an Area Profile is a digital report which can be shared as a pdf to inform the prioritisation of road user groups in a local Road Safety Action plan. As an Area profile highlights road user groups who are most at risk, authorities often choose to follow-up with a more detailed examination of discreet groups with one of our additional products called an ‘Insight Study’.
Making extensive use of socio-demographic and geospatial techniques, as well as comprehensive examination of road casualty and contributory factor data to develop a greater understanding of those injured on the roads.

Area Profile
£4,895Per anum
Pricing for local authorities, police forces, and fire & rescue services. Larger areas for regions and partnerships available on request.
Outputs include:
- Area Profile Document Report