Site Selection Tool
Analysing High Risk Roads
The online system takes road network layer, such as the custom Agilysis Road Network supplied with our RiskMap product, and then proceeds to match the most recent collision data supplied by the local analyst. Matching takes place based on road number to ensure more accurate results for classified roads, while unclassified roads are matched based on proximity.
Each potential site is ranked and users can re-run the analysis using varying criteria to see which are the best fit for their requirements.
Agilysis have been supplying local roads collision analysis for a number of years with customers from local authorities as well as large fleets. Our methodologies have been honed by constant conversations with end users and an increased use of cutting-edge technology. We have advanced our methods sufficiently to be able to provide a large quantity of analysis for the whole of GB, or individual areas.

Site Selection Tool
Pricing for local authorities, police forces, and fire & rescue services. Larger areas for regions and partnerships available on request.
Features include:
- Online front-end via any web browser
- Accesses proprietary algorithms running on our scalable server
- Download results, reconfigure parameters, repeat the process