The complete analytics package for local authorities

After nearly two decades of developing analytical platforms and solutions for the public sector, we have now carefully crafted packages of products to meet the needs of every user.

ACUITY brings together the very best road safety and active travel data tools, minimising data handling, reducing the analytical workload and allowing you to focus on applying insights that will make a difference.

Whichever package you go for, ACUITY allows you to harness market leading technologies at affordable prices, with discounts ranging from 15-25% on list prices. And if you take out an ACUITY 3-year plan, that will lock in a further 5% saving.

ACUITY includes established award-winning technologies such as MASTonline, CrashMap and the Active Streets Assessment Tool, along with updated and innovative methodologies now underpinning tools such as RiskMap, Speed Compliance Tool and the Site Selection Tool.

Every one of these solutions has been developed with client authorities, working to ensure that they have the detailed information and actionable insights to delivery high quality road safety programmes.

Agilysis have been supplying local roads collision analysis for a number of years with customers from local authorities across the UK. Our methodologies have been honed by constant conversations with end users and an increased use of cutting-edge technology. We have brought together the best of our services and expertise to provide a scaleable packaged service to suit Local Authority needs.

Our data is regularly updated and comes from reliable sources, and we are also able to incorportate custom data supplied by clients subject to negotiation.

MAST Membership & Headliners

MAST is an analysis platform for the road safety industry. Combining national road casualty data with market leading customer insight, MAST helps road safety professionals to gain a clearer understanding of their emerging road casualty problems and to start defining the most efficient channels for new interventions.

Overcoming some complex historical and geographical challenges by tackling the national STATS19 dataset, users can now compare performance with other areas, examine collision migration and crucially, start to understand resident risk; putting citizens at the heart of the analysis.

Area Profiles

An Area Profile provides a local area with an excellent resource that details casualty trends, highlights at-risk groups, and compares performance against national benchmarks. These detailed reports are based on the national STATS 19 collision data, blended with a wide array of public and proprietary data to provide context and insight into those injured on the roads and the communities that they come from.

Active Streets Assessment Tool

Identifying appropriate locations for new segregated cycleways, footpaths, point closures, and area-wide measures can now be undertaken quickly and effectively using the new Active Streets Assessment Tool. This tool embraces detailed network infrastructure data from Ordnance Survey Master Map, enhanced with additional datasets for individual road sections including network flow, average speeds, 85th percentile speeds, modelled congestion, and collision history.

CrashMap Pro

A professional online mapping solution with enhanced analytical power that is quick and easy to use and allows users to filter, select and download official STATS 19 data on a map in a highly visual way.

CrashMap Pro is delivered using the ESRI ArcGIS Online platform and provides access to information about user groups and vehicles involved in collisions and their locations on roads across Great Britain, or in your local authority area.

Speed Compliance Tool

A powerful yet easy-to-use solution providing access to information about speed limits and average speeds on roads across Great Britain, but focussed on your local area. The online dashboard is priced on a per-user basis to keep costs down and is available for a small fee for existing CrashMap Pro users. Customers only pay for the coverage they need meaning lower costs for authorities with shorter road networks.

Site Selection Tool

The online system takes road network layer, such as the custom Agilysis Road Network supplied with our RiskMap product, and then proceeds to match the most recent collision data supplied by the local analyst. Matching takes place based on road number to ensure more accurate results for classified roads, while unclassified roads are matched based on proximity.

Each potential site is ranked and users can re-run the analysis using varying criteria to see which are the best fit for their requirements.

Insight Study

A research product ranging in scope from small scale insight into specific casualty issues at a local level through to national analyses which are subsequently used in policy development. It is part data analysis and part research around elements including behaviour and socio demographics.

Its purpose is to provide the commissioner with a deeper insight into any issues that are of interest or of concern that have emerged from an Area Profile or if someone is well aware of their issue, i.e. Liverpool knows that it is worst in the country for adult pedestrian casualties, so an Area Profile is an unnecessary starting point. Ideally, we advise that an Area Profile should be the starting point (in order to avoid issues going unnoticed or assumptions being made) and that Insight should follow.


One of the key responsibilities of local authorities and police forces is to review locations where there are high collision rates. Understanding which roads are high-risk and which are safer than average is difficult without access to large datasets, and a comprehensive set of analytical tools. RiskMap provides quick and easy-to-interpret answers which has attracted attention from many clients in different sectors keen to see place-based risk analysis on roads, near transport hubs, or for individual road user groups.